At Schisto Cameroon, we strongly believe in a world that is free of any Neglected Tropical Diseases and therefore free from any of the social, economic and health burdens caused by them. With your involvement, you can help us to deliver Neglected Tropical Disease information online to millions of people around the world, campaign for a better responses for NTDS and help us support our partners in Cameroon and around sub-Saharan Africa.
Please join our campaign to ensure that as many people as possible know about the benefits of improving sanitation . Take a look at some of the other great ways you can get involved and support our work.

Want to make a difference in the national response to Neglected Tropical Diseases? If so, Schisto Cameroon is the place for you. View current internship opportunities

Your support will profoundly aid us in our fight against NTDs. Every single donation goes towards helping us reach people around the country with vital information on preventing infection of NTDs.

Be social
Another way you could get involved is by being social via our social channels by sharing and tweeting our information and stories on social media.